Generally the Pulse Induction detectors are very sensitive to the presence of ferrous metals (magnetic) and they are less sensitive to other metals. To satisfy our clients, we have incorporated into our Deepers' detectors a Drop Gold-Silver Electronic System that minimizes the prevailing presence of ferrous metals and maximizes the search depth detection for localizing gold, silver, bronze and cooper (and other good electrical conductors).
Strength of the Deepers
Several conducted tests indicate that a little silver chest (5 x 3 x 5 inches), the Deepers MF and Deepers X5 with the hypersensitive search coil, can easily detect when buried at 26 inches in the ground, as well as detect the coins buried at a depth of over 15 inches. The efficiency is unequaled by any other detector on the market, whether it is the VLF or the PI detectors. The Deepers are incomparable.
General characteristics in detection
Plates, ornaments, funeral masks and other objects embossed or chiseled out of gold, silver, copper and any of their alloys, will be detected very well. The Deepers have become the preferred detectors used by professional treasure hunters and archaeologists in countries such as North America, Europe, Columbia, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Venezuela, Guatemala, Mexico and 25 other countries around the world.
Hidden coins are relatively easy to find because the volume of the total mass is taken into account by the detector…it is much better if a chest or pot is broken and the coins are dispersed. Gold and silver ingots are great targets that can be detected even if they are very deeply buried (many treasures have been found around the world with our equipments).
Antique bronze statues can be detected and recognized very easily with the headsets because it gives off a specific threshold. Many archaeologists can confirm this (a roman statue was found 85 inches deep in the ground with the Deepers Search Loop and a deposit of axes, an antique necklace and other bronze objects that date back to the third century before Christ where discovered at 64 inches deep in the Rhone Valley in France.
You should take into account that to find a gold or silver necklace will be very difficult due to the fact that the detector picks up each link by itself… as if the detector was seeing one link at a time. Gold veins (nuggets or speckles of gold at the bottom of a geological crack or deposit) will be localized with success using an elliptic search coil (work must be done carefully to distinguish the echoes). Veins are detected up to 3 ½ yards deep with a super sensitive 1 x 1mt. search loop, you can even follow the direction of the vein from above. To appropriately adjust for gold, silver or copper and their alloys, we recommend working with Deepers MF or Deepers X5 with the knobs on the red dots for maximum strength. The Deepers have a Drop Gold-Silver system that is factory adjusted to always get the best sensitivity for noble metals such as gold or silver. There are no better detectors on the market.
Searches in walls
For searching in old walls, of tunnels, crypts, caverns, ancient houses or mansions, we highly recommend using the super sensitive wand coil specially designed for these cases (optional). This wand coil permits precisely determining the place and form of the target, much like an x-ray would. Pass the wand coil parallel to the wall to be explored, the targets will be found when there is a permanent threshold heard in the headsets or from the speaker while passing over the hidden metal. Depending on the threshold heard, you can recognize the target found and determine its form, whether a nail, a tube… a round shape or rectangular shape which could be a hidden chest with many valuable thing inside.
Never forget: valuable treasures are always buried deep in the ground. Statistics show that over 85% of the treasures that are found are buried between 24 to 48 inches deep. The Pulse Induction Detectors are ideal and indispensable for these kinds of serious and deep searches (treasure chests, war loot, plunderers loot, arms, hidden coins, gold, silver, bronze and hidden jewelry are waiting…).
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